I have to admit, my hair is pretty cool. It's tummy-button lenth when straightened, but is at the moment strange proffessor Trelawney inspred frizzy waves in a terracotta colour. I'm one of those tiny grls with bigger hair than mass. And probably sense. But TODAY, I was minding my own business (well, I was with Ronnie, so I was minding her business too?) when thiss man's like coming after me like heeey, I'm from Face. And I'm like okay? And he want's to make me a hair model. A hair model, WTF? :')
But any way, they cut my hair interestingly once a month, snap a picture and put it in the magazines they put on the table at Toni & Guy. OH. To get paid to have good hair...

Well. Seeing as I'm under 18 and I wasn't with a guardian, my hair modelling dream is over.
Oh well, I still have my monsters.