Watch me smile.

My photo
I'm little, red headed mess, more hair than mass or sense. All I really want to do is make something magical and show the world and have it be proud of me.

Sunday, 9 August 2009

Like A Firefly Without The Light.

Somewhere in the back of my mind, there is an ideology forming where I'm wearing a big white lacy dress and the sun is streaming down n a kind of late-summer-evening as I run through tall barley fields with a smile on my face. In this dream, my messy hair fits and I have eyes like Tim Minchin, or my Mum, or my friend Conor, if you don't know any of these people, they all have insanely bright blue eyes. I don't know why this has come up, but this is really and truly how I want to be.


  1. Ah! Brigth blue eyes, that's my dream eye color :-)

    btw, thanks for coming by my blog :-}

  2. Ohh, it was a pleasure. I wish I had bright blue eyes too, I may get contacts.


Stay Beautiful ♥