Watch me smile.

My photo
I'm little, red headed mess, more hair than mass or sense. All I really want to do is make something magical and show the world and have it be proud of me.

Sunday, 27 September 2009

I Will Wrap You In My Arms And You'll Know You've Been Saved.

When my Mother was five months pregnant, she got chicken pox. As a result of this I have a slight disformation in my hand, but people don't tend to notice I have two fingers missing.
When I was six years old, my piano teacher told me I didn't have enough fingers to play. As a child with an insecurity and thirst for scissors, glue and sellotape, I makeshifted myself two more fingers out of a forked twig I found.
On the 19th of September, this picture was taken in Sainsbury's in West Wickham. Christmas confectionary?! OUTRAGE.
As promised,
Photograph©ESimmons September 2009

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