Watch me smile.

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I'm little, red headed mess, more hair than mass or sense. All I really want to do is make something magical and show the world and have it be proud of me.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Could It Be Magic?

What say you and I grab our acoustic guitars and run away? Theres a wide green meadow stretching through my mind, the mist clearing as we enter it, just you and me linked at the palms, interlocked by our fingers. My best friend forever and always. We've escaped the ones that shattered many a vital organ. When they one day wake up and realise that it was us that they wanted all along they'll trek to our overgrown topia. By chance, we'll be sitting on a bowed branch siniging Meet You There in a beautiful dissolence on their part in realisation.
And to think, we thought we'd escaped heartbreak.


  1. wow this really makes you think about everything its like a puzzle.

  2. so beautiful♥

  3. Aw.

    That last line slays me. Everytime you think you've escaped, here comes heartbreak to prove you wrong yet again.

    Great job, Love. It's beautiful.


  4. Congratulations! You have won my blog competition/ givaway! Please contact me at with your address etc...

    Thanks so much for entering!
    Wonderlander xx

  5. I want to run away with someone and bring our acoustic guitars : ) Your writing is such a nice little escape : )


Stay Beautiful ♥