Watch me smile.

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I'm little, red headed mess, more hair than mass or sense. All I really want to do is make something magical and show the world and have it be proud of me.

Sunday, 6 December 2009

Wide Awake & Dreaming.

What is it that death has against me? I can only fight it for myself, play a mean game that will only let me live. Why is it that I can cheat death, but I can't do it for my loved ones. How is it that you can wake up "feeling funny" and ten minutes later you've died, you've disappeared. How at one split second in those ten minutes, every little piece of her body decided to give up?
... and there she goes. Dude, death sucks.


  1. it does.but its nothing to be afraid of.
    i remember that twilight quote:

    death is easy,life is harder.

    oh how true is that..


  2. sure does hun but one is dead one is born thts wat ive learned wen my grandpa died my brother was born its like one had to go to get the other. hope ur ok luv u hun.



Stay Beautiful ♥