Watch me smile.

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I'm little, red headed mess, more hair than mass or sense. All I really want to do is make something magical and show the world and have it be proud of me.

Thursday 24 December 2009

Not In This New Romantic Way.

Standing in the pouring rain, barefoot on the ice and miles from home. The thin cardigan with ankle swinging skinnies and holey shoes and no socks doesn't fair well to this weather. Watching them scream at eachother reminds me that I'm the peace maker, the one who hugs them and kisses them and hushes them out of their worries and into their sorries. But once my job is done and they hug eachother and makeup, bestfriends until next time, when I'll sort it out again. I can't help but think that I've got no one that'll be there for me at the end of the day. Through it all, no one has stayed through the worst, not even to turn their heads and hardly notice. I just want someone to hug, unconditionally, truth be told.

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